Monthly Archives: October 2017

When We Start To Realize Our Self Worth, We Stop Attracting Those Who Don’t

When We Start To Realize Our Self Worth, We Stop Attracting Those Who Don’t

They were together a total of 10 years.  The relationship started out so wonderful.  Or did it? The constant calls and attention she received made her feel so loved and increased her self worth.  Or did they?  Married 3 times in the past, she was the one to end all of the relationships.  You could say, she was in charge. Continue reading



October 8, 1926 – August 30, 2017

Today I would like to take a few moments in honoring Louise Hay’s life.  There are a handful of people in my life that I truly admire and who have truly changed my life for the better and I can honestly say that Louise Hay was one of them.

We first met (well, not actually in person 😉 ) years ago when I began listening to self-help cassettes.  Her words impacted me so much that I wanted more.  So, I went out in search of books she had written and I immersed myself into her words and teachings. Continue reading