Ever have those times in your life where you feel discouraged? Like nothing seems to be going your way? Me too. This week has been that way for me.
This past week I have not felt my absolute best physically and something I have been working on for the past few years did not turn out the way I thought it would.
Because we are human, we tend to dwell on the things that aren’t going right in our lives instead of those things that are going great. There may be 100 things that are going right but the 3 or 4 that aren’t seem to get us down and can keep us in a very dark place.
I knew I needed some inspiration today…..As I sat watching an episode of Joel Osteen https://www.joelosteen.com this morning I was reminded again that what I focus on is what I will get more of in my life. I needed to hear this now and to remind me of all of the blessings I have in my life and to minimize those few things that seem to be getting me down and capturing my attention.
I thought back of some very hard times in my life where life looked very grim. Like there wouldn’t be any light at the end of the tunnel and then I asked myself…What did you do during those dark days in your life? Oh yeah, I remember now….I sat down and had a talk with myself. It went something like this…”Sharon, you are a beautiful, kind, loving, unique, giving person, a wonderful mother, daughter, sister and friend. You always try to look for the good in others. You don’t hold grudges and are quick to forgive. You were placed here on this earth to be an inspiration to others. Now think of 5 things right now you are grateful for in your life. Okay, I am grateful for my children, my family, my friends, my health and my gift of teaching.”
When you find yourself having days that you are discouraged, sit down and have a talk with yourself. Name 5 things you are grateful for. Go outside and get some fresh air. Maybe go for a walk. Do something nice for yourself or for another. Start focusing on all the good you do in your life and keep your mind off those few things that want to steal your joy.
You are an amazing person and deserve the best in life. Let that be your new focus. 🙂
xoxo Sharon